Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Trivia Night!

So today was a wonderful day, I was a tourist once again! As my day started I woke up and noticed it was a bit chilly outside so of course the sweater was required again. I had my lovely cup of coffee, which wasn't really lovely, it was instant so it was rather disgusting. But as all good soldiers, you just have to tough it up and move on with your day.

I was determined to get to Buckingham Palace, yes, again. This time though I wanted to see the changing of the guard procession. It was awesome yes, but very long. It involved waiting, people marching to music for 5 minutes, waiting, more waiting, drums and horses for 5 minutes, waiting, girl behind me way too close for comfort trying to take pictures, more marching, and then it was done. I am glad that I saw it, it is something that I can cross off of my long standing list of things to do while I am over here. So after that was all said and done, Caitlin and I got a picture with a Bobby (after chasing him down of course), and then made our way down the road to find our next destination.

I had been upset from the second day we were here when I forgot my camera when we did our scavenger hunt, and missed a whole day of photos. So where would our next destination be? Big Ben of course! We made it there without getting lost! Oh, and I must mention that I made it all the way from my flat to Buckingham palace by myself without getting lost. So we had our photo ops with Big Ben and then how convenient that Westminster Abbey was right across the street so we had to stop by there! It was starting to get a little gray outside, and on our way to Trafalger Square it started to rain. What a better place to take cover for a little while than Starbucks! After about 20 minutes it was sunny outside again, and made our way to Trafalger Square. After that we had about an hour and a half before we had to be on our way to class so we went to Leicester Square and found discounted "Broadway" tickets for Dirty Dancing and Wicked (which I have already seen, but will see it again for sure). SOOO EXCITED! We will be going to Dirty Dancing next Tuesday...I am hoping. Piccadilly Circus was right around the corner, so we decided to go but it wasn't all that great. I was rather disappointed.
Olympics Countdown!

Unfortunately it was class time, so our next destination was the Tube to Angel (the underground stop) so that we could go to class. Bummer. It wasn't that bad of a class...but I will be quite busy with readings and essays and anything else you could think of. Not excited.

After class, we were kind of hungry so we headed to The Eagle which is the pub right down the road from our class and flat. We walked in not expecting to find....TRIVIA night!!! Let me just say that this trivia was not the cash cab $25 questions, they were more of the $100 questions. We joined in and had a great time, it was so much fun and I learned a bunch of trivia. It is your turn now...


   - Look both ways before you cross *tricky!*

2. A T W I 80 D (beginning letter for all words)

   - Around the world in 80 days

3. Who said "I am not bad, just drawn that way."

   - Roger Rabbit

Buckingham Palace with the gate open

4.  What is the name of the early material that is baked?


5. What early Elvis hit was the name of his first film?

    - Love me tender

6. BSE is more commonly known as?

    - Mad Cow Disease

7. What color is zero on the roulette wheel?

   - Green

I suppose that is enough trivia for you for tonight, we had 40 questions, and got 19 right. I don't think that is too bad considering we were late, and had no idea there was a trivia night! I will have more next week because we have decided that we will go every Wednesday after class for trivia night!!

Trafalger Square
I am going to go on a tangent for a moment on a few things bothering me here. It is the worst bed I have EVER slept on. Seriously even if I describe it to you, you will not understand. I can barely run my hand across the mattress and I feel every spring there is! I could probably count them for you. Oh, and when you go to McDonalds here and order a McFlurry...its more of a Mc-Icecream with M&M's on top because they don't flurry it for you! I was rather upset because there was clearly a flurry machine next to the M&M's. Gahh! Ok that is done, sorry!

Well goodnight, it is past my bedtime! I have work tomorrow of which I am hoping that my boss will be a bit nicer!! I of course will let you know.


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