Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rain rain go away...

Today was full of beautiful weather and adventure, and when I say beautiful weather I mean rain, and by adventure I mean read all day. There you have it, my day in a nutshell. I mean in order for me to make this blog post worth anything I guess I have to give you a little bit more detail.

I woke up to rain. I was all set and ready to finally start running today but that was an epic fail as I looked out the window. I decided today would be a much better day to stay inside and read, do laundry, and anything I could do to distract myself from reading. As I started to dig through my wallet to find some change to do laundry I found that I didn't have the right change. That meant that I had to go across the street to the Texaco to break the £5 I had. I didn't know what I should buy, so I bought another thing of milk. I mean I need milk in the morning for my cereal and my coffee. The guy at the cash register looked at me like I was crazy for asking for £1 pieces, and 20p pieces. That is ok though I needed to do laundry, but this whole being on the fourth floor with no lift and the washer and dryer being in the basement kinda sucks. I guess I will have pretty toned legs at the end of my trip here! So after laundry I read. I read a lot of my book that I have to read. Hard Times by Charles Dickens....BORING! It is so boring, and it doesn't make any sense as to what the point is. So after reading for a little while I decided I was hungry and it was time for a break. I made some ravioli for dinner and watched some Friends on my computer. I love that they watch friends over here!! Other than that I skyped with mom and got to see my Bella bunny...and now I am on here typing to you! I have another day of work tomorrow...hopefully that goes well!!


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