Thursday, July 7, 2011


I officially only have 3 days left to work! I am beyond excited. You don't even know, it is bad to say because I'm having the "time of my life" but I am ready to come home. Today while I was at work the other intern asked me if I had started applying for real jobs. I said NO, its like a year away! I guess for the banking industry you have to have in applications by October. This is just so scary to me. It really is scary because I'm not even sure now that finance is what I want to do considering that the two internships I have had, I haven't really liked. I mean looking at both of them, I like Time Warner Cable better than this one. I don't know if I am prepared for the real world in finance. They work like 80 hours a week...I can't do that...I'm not even sure that I really enjoy finance that much. Have I just wasted 3 years of education? What do I really want to do for the rest of my life? What makes me happy? I DON'T KNOW!!

Sorry that was my seriousness for the day. Other than that...I have worked the last two days, done nothing really exciting besides that. Yesterday was Wednesday and that meant class...but no pub quiz. It was sad, we didn't know what to do with ourselves. We survived though and Kat made a delicious dinner pasta with stir fried vegetables. We tried to have a bottle of wine with it, but we have no cork that was an epic fail. You should have seen us. I came upstairs to work on my stupid paper, but that was an epic fail also. I ended up skyping with Geoff and talking to Mom on the phone for about an hour and a half. It was a good use of my time though, I have plenty of my paper done anyways. I have over 3,000 words out of 5,000. Not bad. I'm surprised that I have done that much having to talk about private equity.

Today, I took a nap. That was the highlight of my day I must say. Oh! And I found a website that I can watch all of the episodes of Seinfeld for free online! WINNING. That was the highlight of my day actually. Tomorrow is a much needed day of rest. I need to relax and stop stressing out about this stupid paper and reading for class. I need to keep reminding myself of that. So not fair that we have so much work to do...I heard that taking classes abroad were a joke...well not when you have an internship apparently. Oh well it goes on my resume in the end. Well...I have to work on my paper more...


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